Links for 2006-04-30
Sunday, April 30th, 2006-
– I’ll likely post on why this is particularly relevant right now… *sniff*
I’ve been traveling a lot recently (four locations in the last week), which has given me new opportunities to find interesting gender signs. A twist on the topic I hadn’t explored much before is whether taking care of children is assumed to be a female responsibility. I found a couple of examples recently that suggested inclusivity. At the San Francisco airport, both men’s and women’s restrooms show a diaper-changing image. At JFK, there was a separate area for families.
FYI, the gender signs pool on Flickr has over 100 photos now. Don’t be shy, join in on the fun.
I’m on my way to Cornell to give a talk in the Information Science Colloquium tomorrow. There are several great people at Cornell across numerous departments studying IT-related topics so this should be a fun trip.
It’s been almost 15 years since I’ve been to Ithaca. That first visit was for the Cornell Summer College Program for high school students. I still have very fond memories of it and one of my closest friends to this day is someone I met that summer in 1991. Unfortunately, the program no longer offers full scholarships for international students. Bummer.
As a side note, I would like to recommend the Cornell campus-to-campus shuttle from NYC. It’s not only comfortable, it has wifi. I’ve never blogged from a bus before, it’s a nice option to have.
On a flight I was taking the other day, passengers were asked to fill out a survey. I question the utility of such an instrument given that the feedback was mostly about satisfaction with the crew who likely knew that the survey would be administered and thus may not have been going about their business as usual. I took one to fill out, because I am always curious to see how surveys are constructed.
I found the following question puzzling:
The survey was only available in English as far as I could tell. They cetainly didn’t announce any alternatives in English or any other language. This question was on the third of four pages. Assuming the question is about one’s English abilities, does it make sense to assume that anyone needing language assistance would’ve gotten to the third page of the survey? And even if they had, how reliable would their responses be?
Or am I missing something and is there some other type of language assistance one might need? I doubt that if a hearing-impaired passenger needed some type of assistance they would refer to that as “language assistance”. So what’s the point of this question?
On a different note, this post brought to you by the free wi-fi weekend at the San Francisco Airport for T-Mobile customers.
It’s that time of year when one of the most popular pages on my Web site is the one I compiled a few years ago with a humanist feminist modern version Haggadah. For those not in the know, the Haggadah is the text that gets read during the Passover meal. The traditional version is not particularly inclusive in various ways. The version I compiled a few years back does not refer to any higher power, is inclusive of both Jews and non-Jews and refers to modern-day plagues such as hunger, war and racism making it a bit more timely.
Since the date of Passover changes from year to year, I have a hard time keeping track. I messed up this year by scheduling a talk for the first night of Passover. Bummer. It’s a really nice holiday that I enjoy quite a bit. I’ll have to be much more careful next year to make sure I’m available to take part in it.