Amusing street scenes wanted
Soon there will be a Web site just for this – if there isn’t one already -, but until then, let’s see what we can collect here.
Yesterday, Google announced a new feature of its Maps service: Street View for select urban areas in the U.S. plus Google’s backyard. We’ve seen this before on services like A9 (which discontinued the feature), and Microsoft’s Live Maps, but this seems more user-friendly.
Boing Boing has a thread with links to some interesting finds. Oh, the temptation to go hunting for more! Spot any embarrassing situations or funny captures? There is potential here for hours of amusement!
I’m off to Trader Joe’s.
June 1st, 2007 at 10:20 am
Funny thing… I used one of your flickr pictures to illustrate my blog post on privacy implications of Street View. You happened to catch the same car in the same position in front of Google that the Google Street View cameras did.
Rocky (Medill 95)
June 1st, 2007 at 1:35 pm
Go to the SF side of the San Francisco Bridge, at street level, keep hitting the North arrow and you can tell the van follows the same exact car and read the license plate all the way across the bridge.