Conclusive evidence found: blogging has tangible benefits

Birthday chocolates

It’s not hard to find discussions among bloggers (and others) about whether blogging has any benefits. Last month, I happily encountered a very clear material benefit to blogging: chocolates!

A kind reader of this blog noticed that my birthday was coming up and proceeded to send me some very yummy chocolates. Thank you, dear reader, ’twas a very nice surprise, and rest assured, the chocolates have been treated with utmost respect.

3 Responses to “Conclusive evidence found: blogging has tangible benefits”

  1. s Says:

    I got a samurai sword in exchange for links. And once someone sent me a can of chipotle peppers.

  2. Nishi Says:

    I got an Xbox video game in return for a review of the game posted on my blog. That felt nice.

    I know it’s late but belated happy b’day.

  3. eszter Says:

    Gosh, those sound fun, I’m glad I’m catching up!