a site dedicated to tracking instances of words spelled upper case with a lower case L
post a picture, ask a question, hopefully get an answer
(Seattle Times)
.. and nine other things (vinegar, newspaper, etc.)
(NYTimes Freakonomics Blog) – interesting Q&A with an interesting person
new event invite service (like evite)
(The Nation) – man sentenced to prison in Morocco for creating fake Facebook profile
(The Independent)
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, February 26th, 2008 at 3:19 am and is filed under Del.icio.us Links.
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February 26th, 2008 at 7:55 am
Social networks by continent originated (in English) here:
Denton, N. (2007) The World Map of Social Networks Valleywag Last accessed: 27 August 2007 Last updated: 28 June 2007 Address: http://valleywag.com/tech/data-junkie/the-world-map-of-social-networks-273201.php.
Re pingg – also see Socializr which Wired says is better than evite. If you try both could you let me know which you find is best?
February 26th, 2008 at 10:20 am
[…] If you have even a passing interest in the internet, you’re probably aware that something similar happens “here”. People post things on their blogs and SNS profiles as though only their intended audience can see it when, in fact, anyone can see it. danah boyd calls the atmosphere online a networked public*, which is a little different than plain old public, but it sure ain’t private. Random people see it, and people who are specifically looking for them certainly see it. People like potential employers. And prosecuting attorneys. [via Eszter] […]