a MySpace type of site for lawyers, “where lawyers mingle”
– found this as a Sponsored Link on Google (while using GMail) – has reading and movie recommendations (some good, some not so good) for activists
seems too complicated, but the idea is nonetheless intriguing
story: guy who was sold a broken laptop displays contents of said laptop’s hard drive on Web site embarrassing the seller
Pew People & The Press report
Commodore 64 emulator in Flash
create your own Jackson Pollock painting
where is the sun shining on the Earth right now?
facts, figures and maps about the world’s regions
how to create “cut-outs” on photos
rabbit drawings
vast collection of logos (thousands) organized alphabetically by organization/product
10,000 sheep drawn by people for 2c/each and now for sale in groups of 20
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on Sunday, May 28th, 2006 at 1:20 am and is filed under Del.icio.us Links.
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