Random thought: if you wanted someone to take care of your pet, wouldn’t you pay for food up front?
Sometimes I get a kick out of reading classifieds and so have been clicking through to some of the Marketplace ads on Facebook. I just read one where the advertiser is looking for a catsitter and ends the ad with the following:
“I’ll pay for the service, as well as litter and food on return.”
I may be reading this incorrectly, but it seems to suggest that the owner of the pet is asking the catsitter to pay for litter and food out of pocket (for three weeks) before being reimbursed, not to mention the burden of acquiring those materials. Is that reasonable? Doesn’t seem right to me. I’d leave the anticipated amount of litter and food before I left.
July 17th, 2007 at 1:24 pm
Hmm, that does sound fishy. For one thing, I want to know what’s being fed to my cat and dog, so I would definitely have food in the house. And, I always have litter.
This person’s crazy.